Energy Surveys

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The Old Forge + Kingston Bridge + Clevedon + Somerset + BS21 6TX + UK
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  1. The Climate Change Levy (CCL) represents between 11% and 13% to the average non-domestic fuel bill 
  2. Energy used, not cost, forms the basis of the Climate Change Levy – the only way to reduce the effect is to reduce fuel consumption.
  3. Some trade sectors have signed to Sector Agreements, whereby they agree to reduce energy consumption and pay up to 80% reduced CCL. All companies having agreements have to find ways of reducing energy consumption.
  4. Most energy surveys identify 10% or more savings that can be achieved at no cost or minimal cost
  5. Many energy surveys find further savings involving some capital investment, giving a total of 20% or higher
  6. It costs nothing to have energy surveys by an approved consultant – under the Carbon Trust schemes, the government pays.
  7. Equipment and plant upgrades – you can replace and upgrade equipment that has an identifiable return with the benefit of  the Enhanced Capital Allowances Scheme (ECA). This gains 100% first year tax allowances on specified equipment, (such as lighting, variable speed drives, energy efficient boilers and motors)  – to companies this is equivalent to about 5% reduction in first cost .

Added benefits of energy conservation:

  1. Playing your part in reducing global warming
  2. Public relations – the aims, achievements and results can be publicised to the advantage of green image and both customer and shareholder perception
  3. Operational improvements – improved energy efficiency often means improved operator efficiency also.